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  • Allen & Page Calm & Condition 20kg

    Calm & Condition is a high calorie/energy feed for horses and ponies that need to put on or maintain weight and condition

  • Allen & Page Goose & Duck Breeder 20kg

    Goose & Duck Breeder Pellets are formulated for breeding birds and encourage natural egg production and fertility.

  • Allen & Page Goose & Duck Grower/Finish 20kg

    Goose & Duck Grower/Finisher Pellets may be fed ad lib and encourages a slower, more natural growth rate to finish.

  • Allen & Page Pot Bellied Pig Cubes 20kg

    Pot-Bellied Pig Feed is specially formulated to keep your pigs trim and to help reduce heat stress.

  • Allen & Page Sheep Mix 20kg

    Sheep Mix is a quality all-round maintenance mix suitable for ewes, rams and lambs from 5 weeks old.

  • Allen & Page Small Holder Range All Round Goat Mix 20kg

    The Smallholder Range All Round Goat Mix is a nutritious goat mix suitable for all mature goats. With a light molasses coating for palatability.

  • Small Holder Range Mixed Corn 20kg

    Small Holder Range Mixed Corn is a healthy and nutritious poultry treat for after your chickens have eaten their complete feed.

  • Small Holder Range Natural Free Range Layers Crumble 20kg

    Formulated from quality Non-GM ingredients and with added Omega 3, Small Holder Range Natural Free Range Layers Crumble is a complete, nutritionally balanced diet, for healthy hens.

  • Small Holder Range Natural Free Range Layers Pellets 20kg

    Small Holder Range Natural Free Range Layers Pellets provide a complete, nutritionally balanced diet, for healthy alert hens.

  • Small Holder Range Super Mixed Corn 20kg

    Super Mixed Corn is made from wheat with Non-GM maize, peas, added calcium and grit. A healthy and nutritious mixed corn treat for your birds.


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